Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Create Championship Belt

Ode to visit his mother in order

I went away from my mom. ..

This center has worked for me.

This is the door that I had embroidered, which lacked the appropriate trimmings. My
Mom gave me the gift of an old roll of his grandmother. A bit yellowed some, but still fragrant.

not find it just right?!
the pinkeep is over.
Ah ... I am preparing another ...

How precious is a visit to his mother.

My doorways are embroidered with patterns pint.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Weird Upper Stomach Feelings


The pleasure of being at home in the fall.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Snack Items With The Word Gold In Them

great little gardens

These days I wanted to see gardens.
In my dreams I saw ivy leaves and small flowers and soft pads to land on ...

my fairy flowers Swiss happier now can dance ... has an ornament to her company.
I've seen a bower of roses turn into a soft pillow, full of braids and ribbons.
... And also my little angel Garden has found the company.

I then looking out the window and saw the ground.
What we finally bought the real garden.
My great garden of dreams.

bearing designs are made with a small change in patterns free, courtesy from friends pint and mmechantilly.blogspot.com

Monday, September 13, 2010

Card Reader Does Not Read Memory Stick Pro

Once upon a time ... The unconscious dimension

There rainy air, nostalgic, fables.

And if Little Red Riding Hood and Cinderella, the little prince
and Santa Claus,
Thumb, Peter Pan and many others ...

... they were all together?
tells tells ...
are now in the bedroom of a Victorian
its warm autumn evenings.

Once upon a time - watercolor painting - inspired by the brochure of a well-known pharmaceutical that promotes reading in children.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Powerpoint Concert Poster Template Free

Details ....

... this picture of an old collection "revisited," in a way that is commensurate with the location for which I was commissioned: the study of a surveyor.


Bring infinity,

the discovery and study of the unconscious dimension of human

(Freud and the Surrealists)

1996 - revised 2010

table before " Es"

mixed media: paper mache, watercolors, tempera, ink

Thursday, September 9, 2010

“intext:’mobotix M10

checkered floral

finally finished my squares observing nature. are made with colored crayons and watercolor on cardboard, with a wooden base, the frame is trimming applications of colored ribbon to match the flowers.


What do you think?
the complete collection (of three flowers) is on sale: very special price (as would a close friend of India)!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Lotta Topp Dvd Bei Ebay

a sea of \u200b\u200bholiday memories

Returning from the sea there is always crouches in his own house ... lulled by memories.

not always the weather was clement and so we were on a visit to Catanzaro:
the church of St. John is a true delight for the eyes, full of purple and pink marble;
city museum home to work by Mattia Preti, "Heraclitus and Democritus, that can not leave without reflection;
and the chocolate factory is filled with delights for the palate and the view! This you see is the pot that I bought there, full of little heart shaped chocolates ... yum ...

And this is my baby at sea, engaged in his favorite occupations: playing in the sand and collect rocks.

... it is time to return to my blog and in your ...