"What sssarĂ , tesssoro mine?" whispered Gollum (who always addressed to himself, never having to talk to anyone else). Just came to discover this, since, when, in truth, was not very hungry, only curiosity, would otherwise have first seized and then whispered.
"I am Mr. Bilbo Baggins. I have lost the dwarves, I'm the wizard and do not know where I am, nor care to know, if only I can get out of here."
"What cosss'ha in your hand?" said Gollum, looking at the sword, which he did not like at all.
"A sword, a blade that was forged in Gondolin."
"SSSS" said Gollum, and became polite. "Maybe we should sit here and talk a little bit, my tesssoro. The likes riddles, perhaps they like, is not it? ". He was anxious to appear friendly, at least for the moment and as long as they do not know more about the sword, and on the hobbit: if it were really all alone, if it was good to eat, and if he, Gollum, he really hungry. The puzzles were the only thing he had come to mind. put them, and sometimes solving them, was the only game he had ever played with other funny creatures sitting in their caves in a far distant past, before he lost all his friends and being driven away, alone, and sneaking off into the darkness under the mountains.
"Great," said Bilbo, who was anxious to show agree, as long as they do not know more about that creature if it were all alone, if it was aggressive or hungry, and if it were a friend of the orcs.
"started it" he said, because he had not had time to think of a riddle. [...]
From "The Hobbit" by JRR Tolkien, The Adelphi Ed, 1994, pp. 92-93.

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