Friday, December 17, 2010

Deere Traifire Track Size


Andrea:" I do not know how I can to disturb the bus down the street when they mate.

Marco: "Excuse me ...?"

A:" Yeah, come on, when you see them one after another, close to bus stops, are coupling ".

M:" Ah ... And how do you know? "

A:" Well it is not know, it's just it: the bus is usually the normal female and the male is the one with

the joint center and along the two buses.

M: "And why would the male longer?"

A: "Well, it obvious: the body of the male is behind the bus while the front is the penis ".

M:" Mhmmm ... and I'm sorry, but the drivers inside, poor things, they do? "

A:" No, they're in and enough drive.

M: "And how do they live if there are bus drivers in it?"

A: "Why, you have no viruses and bacteria inside you that you need to live? And the intestinal flora? "

M: "Yes, but it's different. When a driver is not the bus can not live."

A: "No, he sleeps. You have to think about the concept of bus as the final concept of a well-prepared pie: without the yeast form of life, the cake becomes cake is a bad cook it pap horrible. The Likewise for the bus without the driver, life form, the bus remains inactive, sleepy. "

M: "I'm not so sure ..."

A: "Excuse me, look at when buses are stopped in traffic and make those puffs, leaning on one side and from another: they are bored and are ways of reminding those of the opposite sex. They are very similar to us , drink to survive, they emit gas, changes the shoes on my feet when I'm too worn out, they dress with the posters and do happen when a total facelift by painting a new ".

M:" A man does not emit gas all day. "

A: "Are you sure? Scureggi How many times a day? And a fat guy? And a pig? "

M:" It is not the same thing. "

A:" But yes. Then there are the buses wiser and older, with a mustache, who no longer need to drink gasoline to live and eat with their mustaches upwards of electricity power cables.

M: "Sorry, no son has never seen a bus. "

A:" How no? The mini-electric buses, smaller ones. "

M:" Yes, but nobody ever you were born. "

A:" Well, that's a mystery of nature: either you see without special equipment which sperm fertilize the egg, then you want to pretend to see the mechanical nature as you play? "

M:" Well yes ... "

A:" And then, like all humans, get sick and they need " doctor "that puts them" right "... are very similar to us. "

M:" I'm still not so convinced. "

A:" Well, then there are the fatties bus, double-deckers who live in London because they eat very poorly, and then there are the most obtuse, those who once embarked on a journey not moved an inch, usually ... trams.


M: "You know it all this one day we depart?"

A: "Yes But the funniest thing is that there is a certain unreality in his logic. "


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