Evans and Thomas came to the mall.
The night was cool and silent. Passed a few cars every now idle, surpassing it.
carefully avoiding to pass close to the surveillance cameras, Evans motioned for Thomas to go and see where was the security guard.
Evans meanwhile went quietly to the wall of the shopping center, next to a flowerbed with shrubs.
crouched on his knees next to a grate of a ventilation duct and the gym bag he had with him took a small tool.
looked like a lighter but it was bigger and had a tube longer than necessary. The
on, and a small blowtorch began to shine brightly: the care of a surgeon, Evans sawed the four small screws that held the grille attached to the wall.
floor and tries to remove the grate is easily removed.
put everything in place, Evans stood up and looked around. Not far away he noticed that Thomas nodded to remain immobile.
Evans leaned against the wall and fell flat. A few moments later a guard came whistling fat: he had in hand a torch which lit up the machines and the other remained in the parking lot outside a sandwich with that biting taste.
Evans waited until it was gone, then walked over to Thomas, hidden behind a wall of the gatehouse monitoring.
He said that the grate was in place. Both entered the security room door, the guard had left it wide open, thinking that hardly anyone could have come from there in the mall.
Evans came in and was careful not to touch anything, the room was quite bare, there were monitors to the cameras, a coffeemaker, a table of current magazines and a family photo in a frame and two snacks, a chair. Evans went to the cabinet on the opposite wall where he knew there were the keys to all the shops in the mall.
took the bag a small tool that was in the palm of his hand and he had two pieces of thin metal object sticking out from the rest. Insert the two metal pieces in the lock of the cabinet, while Thomas checked if the same call back: with a few turns of the screw of the instrument, the lock opened.
Evans opened the cupboard and took the keys of the only jeweler in the mall.
Thomas touched his shoulder and went inside the huge structure.
went up on the second floor and approached the gate of the jewelry. While Evans opened with the keys, Thomas looked around to see how he could control the situation from there.
Evans raised the shutter halfway and slipped quickly into the jewelry. He could not believe to be just minutes away from solving all his financial mess.
came with the keys in the office of Director and went to the safe.
Small but robust.
First, Evans took the bag and a small explorers suitable electronic machinery with a bright display. Applied to the small gear wheel for the combination of the box and lit it. The display appeared seven dashes.
Evans swore. Seven dashes meant more time than necessary, there was a risk that the security guard returned.
with its explorers began to tear up the lock box. After a couple of tries, the first dash in the display appeared a number.
Ah, he thought Evans, a code-Turein Polis. Perhaps then it was not so serious.
He looked behind and saw that Thomas remained on the lookout at the entrance of the store. He took the bag
two other explorers, this time longer and thinner, and continued to fumble with the lock. Within minutes the other three figures appeared on the display of dashes machine.
It lacks only three others.
Suddenly he heard two quick shots and jumped.
He turned and saw that Thomas had just shot the security guard fat.
Curse ... but why had returned so soon?
Thomas told him to hurry, now had little time. He walked away toward the exit.
Evans took another explorer, short and wide, and continues to open the box. In a few minutes
got two more digits.
It lacked only one.
Evans heard more shots. Thomas must have made off someone else but who? Possible that the police had already arrived?
At that appeared the last digit on the display and Evans had the combination of the safe. He put everything on the stock exchange, enter the combination and opened the door of the box: inside there were some gold bars and a number of cases in leather.
He put everything into the gym bag, some heavy hours, and rushed down the stairs.
He saw Thomas, who was raised from the body of a policeman motioned for him to head for the garage.
had parked just in case, a stolen car which had changed the plates inside the garage of the mall for a quick escape if need be.
Passing through the emergency exit, arrived at the garage. Thomas looked out the door carefully, to see if there were other policemen waiting.
A Evans, the situation seemed calm, he walked quickly to the car.
took the keys from his jacket, opened the locks centralized and sat in the driving seat.
He threw the bag to Thomas and turned the key for the ignition.
hearing a flop! to his right, a pain in the head and everything was just dark.
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